Driven to Kill (Movie review)

Having sprained my ankle, I'm now resting at home. What better time to catch up on Steven Seagal movies than reading useful books! Driven to Kill (2009) is a high octane blood pumping (literally and liberally) action movie that catches you from the start to the end. The premise is that Seagal is a Russian... Continue Reading →

Why I Write Clean (Re-post)

Write as a good legacy for your children and grandchildren to read books that you’ll not be ashamed of one day.

Chris Martin Writes

This is my most viewed, commented on, and discussed post of all time. Figured I would post it again.


A few years ago, I picked up a Stephen King novel (I can’t even remember what it was titled) and tried to read it. It was the first time I had the desire to read one of his books. There were so many F-bombs in the first two chapters that I just could not continue. I put it down and haven’t picked up one of his books since that day. Writing fiction is about telling a story, bringing characters to life, and entertaining the masses with a great novel. I get that, I truly do. And I know what the world is like and how ordinary people talk.

I’ve just decided that I don’t need that kind of language in my own novels.

It is a personal choice, and I’m…

View original post 498 more words

Creating a great villian

Hi guys! A long time since I posted something about writing. Here's a great article from NowNovel about creating a great villian! An interesting thing to remember is that a villian in your story doesn't think he/she is a villian but the hero. Sounds crazy but it's true! Ask any criminal if he's guilty and he'll... Continue Reading →

An Oxygen Revolution

  There's a rumour that casinos pump in extra oxygen to keep gamblers more awake and active so that they'll gamble more. Meaning more money for the house. But all evidence points otherwise. In fact, it's illegal to do that. The presence of oxygen might lead to bigger fires too. Though I feel disappointed when... Continue Reading →

Networking: Fake Smiles and Forced Grips?

I had loads of networking these past few days at a conference. I'm feeling pretty worn out now. Even my face hurts a bit from smiling too much. Is networking all fake smiles and forced grips? I've always felt that networking has degenerated into something of a bad reputation for desperate job-seekers, insurance agents and... Continue Reading →

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